We are proud to announce that Mike Armitage, from MCN Magazine, has rated our XRL glove 5/5 for quality during a 1 month, 2000 mile test.
Mike said:
"Suffer with insomnia? Ask me about heated clobber. I can bore the hind leg of the most resilient donkey. As a year-round rider, I almost exploded with joy after discovering heated gloves about 16 years ago. And these are the best yet.
"Old heated gloves seemed better suited to pruning roses but these CE-approved XRLs (there’s a short-cuff XR too) are proper bike kit, with confidence-inspiring armour, secure fastening, waterproof membrane, visor wipe, and a patch of stuff for touchscreens. Power is from the bike’s battery: attach the supplied harness, run the thin Y-lead down each arm and connect (or invest in the jacket liner, which has a feed from each sleeve). A button on each mitt regulates heat.
"These perhaps aren’t as hot as older Gerbings, but the warmest setting is plenty toasty even when it’s several below freezing. Threading wires sounds a faff, but only adds 20 seconds to kitting up. Having tested all other brands, Gerbing stand out for reliability, snugness and sense of safety."
Thank you so much Mike, means a lot!