Our human bodies constantly give off heat, as a result our skin heats the air around it. Consequently, the layer of air surrounding our skin becomes warm and forms something similar to an invisible, heated “air jacket.” However, when wind blows, this warmer air around our skin gets quickly blown away and is replaced by the colder moving air of the wind. The faster the wind blows, the less of a chance we get to heat the air in contact with our skin - therefore the colder we feel ! During summer months the use of riding kit makes this phenomenon all but redundant.
However during the winter months even the best clothing will struggle to maintain this envelope of warm air around you. Gerbing Heated Clothing artificially introduces a new and warmer air jacket around your skin that is constantly replaced even at high speeds when the wind chill is increased, making your journey more comfortable and arguably safer.
To make this clearer, when riding a motorcycle at 70mph with an outside temperature of 0ºC, the wind chill factor will result in a temperature equivalent to -11ºC!
Reaction times at this temperature are considerably slower this, in turn, could make all the difference in an emergency situation.